Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mystery is less mysterious

The new "Big Boy Bed"

Yesterday afternoon we went to our pediatrician to eliminate some possible concerns related to sleep issues. It was a fruitful trip and helped us sort out the sleep insanity we've experienced the past week or so. Here is what we figured out :)

1. Oliver doesn't have an ear infection. Good news!
2. Oliver does have a bad diaper rash which is responding well to a new cream for yeast infection. It makes sense that would disrupt sleep if it is itching and uncomfortable. It already looks better this AM. Great!
3. He has an eczema flare up on his cheeks so we got some medication for that. Good!
4. He doesn't have sores in his mouth but, he is cutting a 2 year molar. Teething is terrible!
5. The teething shouldn't be disrupting his sleep this much....so what is going on?

Our pediatrician suggested that, most likely, the sleep craziness is due to being in a new room, travelling recently, and regular toddler shenanigans. So for one week we are going to put him back in his bed, every time he gets out, last night we did it about 15 times. Hopefully tonight it will be 10, then 5, then only a few. The plan is to get the behavioral/normal toddler issues in line so we can then sort out what might be a med side effect or seizure related. We thought this made lots of sense so we'll do this plan for one week and see what happens. It is exhausting to put him back in his bed EVERY time but, we know it works. It is all about consistency and us not giving up. It is a battle of wills and we REALLY love our sleep so, we hope (barring a seizure/med problem) we can get back to sleeping well.

1 comment:

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Steph, call me anytime you need to vent or talk thru ideas. We've been thru it all with a strong-willed, busy boy, so I'd love to help if at all possible. BE CONSISTENT!!!!