Sunday, January 2, 2011

Low Glycemic Index Treatment

I've talked before about diet(s) that can control seizures. There are 2 very effective ones. The first one is the Ketogenic Diet which is highly restrictive and very high in fat. It is very intense and to begin you must take your child to a hospital so they can do a 48 hour fast. Can you imagine that with Oliver? You have to literally weigh all the food you feed your child so it makes eating out virtually impossible.

The good news is there is a less restrictive, but still challenging diet, called the Low Glycemic Index Treatment (LGIT). This treatment was pioneered by our team in Boston. They published their first study on its efficacy in 2005. Here is the link to a video about an 11 year old girl that went on the treatment and reduced her seizures from 20 a to one a week!

We are considering this diet as a treatment option if Clobazam doesn't render Oliver seizure free. So far we have seen 2 seizures today that were shorter and less involved than the ones a week ago. We can go up quite a bit on the Clobazam dose before we optimize it. Our hope is once we go up a bit more they will go away completely.

Lastly, for the 1% of you that want to know a little more than that, here is more info on specifics:

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