Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cauliflower tastes like potatoes?

Oliver continued to make his food preferences known today. Does he like salami? Not so much...good thing I bought enough for the US Army at Costco. I mean who doesn't like Salami?

What did he like the most from the whole day of food taste testing? Drum-roll please....Mock Garlic Mashed Potatoes (made with Cauliflower). I have to say they were very yummy! Once you get the consistency right, I seriously bet you could fool people into believing they were taters. Not only did Oliver like them but, my other guy, Andrew liked them too! If that isn't success, I don't know what is :)

So really you should give them a try sometime. If that rave review doesn't convince you, think about how much time you'll save by not having to peel potatoes.

As far as seizures, Oliver had 2 today. Tonight he had one where his body trembled all over. It was brief, but it was hard to watch. He hasn't done that before. He was totally wiped out afterward so we put him to bed early. We were told that the seizures might increase in the beginning of the diet before they decreased. At this point, we aren't super worried, mainly we're weary.

Today, Oliver asked for "Papa" on and off. (Andrew wasn't working at home-he was scouting locations for a movie.) It was really sweet because he's never done that before. He kept looking for him in all his usual spots. Thankfully, papa made a grand entrance right before Oliver fell asleep. It was a sweet little time of bedtime prayers and songs for our family of 3. Not a bad way to end this hard workin' day!

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