Friday, February 25, 2011

The Ding Dang Tent ARRIVED!!!

Yes, you read right, that much anticipated tent is HERE! I included some pics for your amusement. Today we let Oliver play in there and check it out. We realized we have a really thick mattress so there isn't too much head room. We'll let you know how the night goes...we have no idea what to expect.

As for those 1o seizures, the dr. has said Oliver needs to go back on Keppra. The team in Boston was really concerned about him having so many seizures in one day. They think even though the dose (of Keppra) was small it was working. There doesn't seem to be any other reasonable explanation for such a spike in seizure activity. So, we are back on the Keppra. Not a big deal really and a simple enough fix (if that is really what triggered it).

After searching throughout the town, we finally found an acceptable protein powder. I think today, for the first time ever, we might have had him "in balance" all day. I haven't run the #s yet so I am not totally sure). Once he is "in balance" for at least a week or so we'll have a better idea of whether the diet is working.

Wanted to share this because it makes me smile...Recently Oliver has starting saying "Go Dog Go!" which is the name of his favorite book. It just sounds so cute when he yells it out with such enthusiasm. We are really thrilled with his progress in speech and language development. Despite all the ups and downs he is still doing SO WELL. We don't want to miss any opportunity to thank the Lord and rejoice!


Where in the World are the Powells said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!! I hope you slept last night! Excited to hear how it is going!

The Carpenters said...

How has it been, I'm so curious?