Friday, February 4, 2011

Med Cost Issue Resolved

This afternoon we got a call from McKesson that WE WERE APPROVED for co-pay assistance! Whoo-Hoo and thank you Jesus! That takes away a great deal of stress! We are thrilled!

We also learned from Dr. T that we can administer the Sabril in a way that makes it last longer which is also useful info. Doing the med that way right now might not be as necessary but, it is still good to know.

So glad this piece of the puzzle fell into place. God showed himself to be gracious and faithful once again.

On another side note Oliver had his first Occupational Therapy appointment today. It went SO well! The OT was awesome. Oliver was laughing and smiling the whole time. They did lots of activities together...beat on an exercise ball, jumped on the bed, swung in the bed sheets, threw the ball (really hard). I think I want an OT session too :) It was a good experience and I think Oliver is going to gain a lot from this experience. Our main goals are to help with his gross motor skills and his bilateral movements. We'll also work on his sense of self in space and deep pressure activities. There is so much to learn about Sensory Processing Disorder. The OT (Seth) mentioned something called Therapeutic Music that I am really curious about. Since Oliver LOVES all things musical we are thinking this could be really helpful.

OK I promise tonight I'll do the full Boston post :) There is so much happening it is hard to keep up.

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