Friday, February 4, 2011


We have officially broken a record. Oliver has been SEIZURE FREE for 1 week! With all the travelling madness we didn't want to let this moment pass us by. This is not any kind of guarantee for the future but, we want to REJOICE and to GIVE THANKS! This is an AWESOME day. Oliver is doing so well and we are savoring this season. I really just want to shout for joy! WHOO-HOOO!!!! YIPPEEE!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!!

We still have moments, as all parents of kids with epilepsy have, when we think "was that a seizure, a little tiny one?" So there are still moments of doubt but, for now we are THANKFUL! We are letting the joy linger in the air. We are letting our minds and bodies relax in this peaceful place.

Psalm 66:5
Come and see what the Lord has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf

1 comment:

Claudia said...

AMEN! That is QUITE a gift!! May you one day have only "siezure-free" days ahead.
And, Brian keeps wanting me to tell you that because we are only around the corner, PLEASE call us if you need any last-minute, emergency help. I told him you have great neighbors that help, but like he said "You never know?!" So remember we are any time of the day or night!!