Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily Bread

If and when a horror turns up, you will be given grace to help you. I don't think one is usually given it in advance. "Give us our daily bread" (not an annuity for life) applies to spiritual gifts too; the daily support for the daily trial. Life has to be taken day by day, hour by hour.
-CS Lewis (of course)


Since Saturday Oliver has been seizure free. What a welcome break! Thank the Lord! It gives us a chance to exhale and release some of the residual stress. The break from timing, monitoring and recording his seizures is such a blessing. It takes a significant amount of time and mental energy to sustain that level of care throughout the day. Needless to say we are relishing this current rest period :)

This morning at the pediatrician we learned that Oliver's wheezing is much improved but, he does have an infection. I think that means it is pneumonia (?), in his upper right lung. We are doing all the right things to treat it so, hopefully Oliver will have clear lungs soon. The dr. was encouraged by how well Oliver seemed to be feeling despite the little bit of wheezing. Overall, we feel like we have the worst behind us with this round of wheezing.

While we were there we asked about Oliver's left foot. As many of you have seen, mainly when he dances, he doesn't flatten his left foot. It makes for really cute dancing but, it isn't going away or getting better. It is hard to keep shoes on him (particularly the left foot). He isn't jumping with both feet yet which is clearly related to the left foot issue. Our pediatrician thought that this issue might be due to strength differences but, that doesn't ring true with me. He did send us home with a referral for a physical therapy assessment which, makes me happy. I plan to ask Dr. Mikati about this issue today. I have a hunch it is neurological because when Oliver has seizures, the left side has more involvement. This isn't a huge deal right now but, I fear if we don't intervene, as he gets older, all this won't be so cute.

Can't wait to report on the 6 hour road trip with our ever charming, always obedient, 2 year old :)

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