Saturday, March 5, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We are so thankful to be home. I feel like cuing the Hallelujah Chorus right now! There is really no place like it! Oliver seems to be at 90% with his breathing so we are really pleased. The diet hasn't gone so well the past 2 days but, I think that is due to him feeling poorly. I have to remind myself that when I am sick I don't want to eat lots either. Even though he hasn't eaten large portions, the meals/snacks have been in balance. I did want to follow up on the lab results and tell you the 2nd blood draw came back completely normal. The first results were a lab error. Also the chest x-ray looked good as well. All in all we feel thankful that the worst is behind us with this asthma flare up.

Oliver had 2 more seizures today. These newer kinds of seizures are really hard to watch- he looks scared and he trembles all over. Thank God they don't last long and he seems to bounce back a few minutes after. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day since we'll be back on our normal schedule?

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