Thursday, March 3, 2011


RAD (Reactive Airway Disease) is one of Oliver's many diagnosis. It is basically asthma. Yesterday, I took him to the pediatrician's office because I thought he might have an ear infection. I didn't think he was wheezing too badly with this current cold. I was wrong. He had a 91 pulse-ox. They won't let you leave the office unless you have a 95 pulse-ox (or is it a 94?) If, after you do a breathing treatment in the office, your child doesn't hit 95, then you are admitted to the hospital overnight. Thank you Lord, after the treatment yesterday, and a nasal suction, Oliver was up to 97! So, we escaped a night in the hospital. He is on another round of steroids to help with this round of wheezing. Hopefully those will kick in and he'll be 100% very soon!

(Totally random side note: Liz (one of my BFFs) was also at the ped office with her daughters. Charlotte, Oliver's girlfriend, was also wheezing. Lily Kate (Char's big sis) came and kept us company for a while. Oliver was thrilled when Lily Kate walked in the door. She kept him entertained for a long while. Liz and I had hoped to have a playdate- guess we sort of did- in a really weird way. Gotta love that providential timing and the comfort of a dear friend.)

This morning we are going back to the ped. office to make sure Oliver is A-OK before the weekend. Since a similar (but more extreme) RAD flare up happened in Boston, they are a bit concerned about our little guy. Apparently, it is worrisome when you have a need for steroids, for wheezing, this often. Dr. Player has already called this morning to check on Oliver and make sure I am bringing him in today. She is a great doctor and really connects in a mom-to-mom way that I really appreciate! We just love all three of our pediatricians! We feel really blessed to have their support and prayers through all this :)

If you read this in time pray that Oliver won't have to be hospitalized. That would be an epic pain in the butt with the diet, meds, etc.

We've seen a few teeny-tiny seizures the past day or so. This is to be expected with the cold and general lack of sleep from coughing and wheezing. Hopefully, when Oliver is well again those will disappear.

The diet has gotten a bit easier. I found a software to help manage the meal planning and calorie count. I think it is saving me 30 minutes or so a day! I am learning the foods that Oliver will eat- cheese, cheese and more cheese. This morning he rejected 2 breakfast options, which is very frustrating. When did he stop liking the cheesecake? He LOVED it Wednesday...these toddlers are fickle folks :)


Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow"
(Mary Anne Radmacher)


God is our refuge and our strength;
an ever present help in trouble.
Therefore, we will not fear,
though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
(Psalm 46:1-2)

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