Sunday, March 13, 2011

We escaped the hospital this morning. We have to watch Oliver carefully and bring him in for any worsening symptoms. He isn't much better but, he isn't much worse. So we are waiting and praying, which is rather familiar to us right now. He's been very moody and not eating well. He is sleepy a great deal which is probably due to the 7 medications, 2 vitamins and a laxative (for the diet) that he takes twice daily. Please keep praying for him, it is so much for such a little guy :(

We have to go back to the pediatrician's on Tuesday morning for another follow-up. If Oliver is not improved at that time, he may need a chest x-ray and/or hospitalization. After that appt. we plan to drive to Duke to see Dr. Mikati. We've been trying to get to Duke for a long time now. Our Boston doc, wants us to see him due to recent seizure surge of last week. She also wants Dr. Mikati to take a fresh look at Oliver's meds, etc. and make some recommendations. This is why I love Dr. Theile, she is encouraging us to get another opinion! It helps that she and Dr. Mikati are good friends and she has "complete trust" in his expertise. I just love when the medical community is collaborative and truly patient focused. How refreshing :)

I just have to end the post with a "Go TarHeels!", lest any of you think that our loyalties lie at Duke! Just wanted to clear that up :)

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