Monday, October 3, 2011

Beautiful Day

I am so happy to report that Oliver’s first day at his new preschool went really well. Praise the Lord! 

The teachers reported that he had four seizures, three of which were small. They said he played hard, napped a bit, ate all his lunch and had a all around great first day.

My friend and mentor, Diane (Grandma Diane to Oliver) came with me to pick-up Oliver. We celebrated this first day success with ice cream from Chick-fil-a. Diane spontaneously coming along made it all even better.

To top that off my friend, Nancy was already scheduled to come over and help me at 5pm and my friend Lisa is bringing dinner. Will someone feed me grapes next?

It is amazing how different things can feel in 24 hours.

Today has felt like a gift.

What felt so hard yesterday feels like a blessing today.

The Lord is good like that you know? Always making beauty from ashes, and so often when I least expect it.

It has been a beautiful day!

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