Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Sensory Seeker's Playground

Not surprisingly the beach brings out Oliver's intensity. It pushes his sensory seeking issues into 


His compulsion to eat sand and run full force into the ocean is a continual concern. 

Last year we took him to the beach less than 10 times. It was 

But this is a new summer and this mama is back with some new expectations...

Beach Expectations 2012

Expect Oliver to try and eat sand. Pray he doesn't throw up (yes that has happened). Move on and stay positive even if he eats a few handfuls here or there! 

Expect shrieks of joy and smiles a mile wide at the edge of the ocean. Expect full body belly flop into the sand. Expect giggles of delight. 

Expect Oliver to try to run full force into the ocean at least five times each visit. Say "hold hands in the ocean" over and over. Keep modeling. Keep smiling. Stay strong. Hoping that at the end of the summer, he'll be just a tiny bit more aware of being with an adult while near the ocean. 

Expect to climb the lifeguard stand as many times as possible. 
Expect to freeze in place and stand in awe every time the rescue team four-wheeler races by. 

Expect Oliver to run up to strangers and stick his hand in their drink or rummage through their bag. Try to run defense on this maneuver and smile lots and lots as you approach. Turn on the southern charm maybe even make a few new friends. 

Expect rocket-speed running when a seagull appears. Listen with delight when the word "bird" comes (unprompted!) from Oliver's mouth. 


this year we are 

embracing that about all we can change in this environment is our 


And that is a lesson for everything in life, not just the beach!


Katie said...

Amen! Thanks Stephanie, I needed to hear this :)

Annetta said...

Well said Sister!!! Love, Annetta