Friday, November 8, 2013

Roses & Thorns Thus Far..


- Oliver not sleeping at all on the plane and fighting Andrew the entire time.
- Waiting 6.5 hours to be admitted for the 24 hour EEG, that now will be more like 16 hours. Boo!
- Andrew having to hold down Oliver for the rapid MRI. Awful. Andrew convincing them to try for a final (4th) try of which was successful. Wish you could see Andrew's hands on Oliver's head in the MRI. I'll try to take a screen shot of it later for your admiration. 
- Learning about the clinical trial for Cannabinoid and how much it is going to cost to participate. More on that later...
- We are told they may keep us one more night if the EEG looks really bad during the night. If this happens we'll of course be scrambling to deal with our plane tickets on a holiday weekend. Sigh. Good thing I got trip insurance (learned that lesson the hard way!) 


- I am married to Superman. Strong enough to handle Oliver, loving me through it all. Just the kind of Dad I knew he'd be, but my goodness does he shine in these situations. So thankful we do this as a team! 
- Tailwind on plane ride up here so it shaved off 20 minutes
- Seeing the lovely, gracious, warm and fun Farrell family 
- Properly sedating Oliver for his EEG application with Clonidine. 
- Sunset over the Charles River out our window

- The helpful nature and sweet attitudes of all the MGH staff. Literally every single person today. 
- Meeting Kim and Celia (a precious little girl who also fights Epilepsy and had brain surgery. Her mom and I met online through this blog!) 
- Learning about the clinical trial for Cannabinoid and that it will hopefully start in February! That will get it's own post, because there is much more to say on that note. 
-Oliver petting the police horse in the Public Garden (during that 6.5 hour wait to be admitted.) 

So tomorrow we'll have more news on the results of the EEG and hopefully will have had a consult with Dr. Duhaime (Pediatric Neurosurgeon).  Thanks for supporting us and caring about our sweet Oliver! Your prayers are a blessing. 

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