Check out the crib. How weird is that brown "topper"...
this crib a relic from 1970.
We are on camera 24/7 which is very Big Brotherish. I have included a photo of the camera screen that is in our room. It has infrared for the night. Pretty cool.

Tired and grumpy in his EEG ski mask. I works better than any other EEG hat he has ever had. Even in that crazy hat he is still a cutie. Where did those lips come from and why didn't I get them? Watch out Angelina Jolie!
Last night was eventful. Oliver has had 3 really solid seizures so that is good. I hope it will give them the info they need. We see the neurology residents around 8:30 and Dr. Mikati around 11-12. I'll update after that.
Let us then with confidence draw near
the throne of grace,
that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16
Awesome!! I hope this gives them good info and you get to leave sooner than expected.
Thanks so much for keeping us updated. He is very handsome even in his little ski hat ;-) Praying for wisdom for docs and a peace that passes all understanding.
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