Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All Things

The area in question was not infected (Thank you, Jesus!), but it is considered “contaminated.” Since so much fluid got out, other germs had the potential to get in.

The surgeon removed a large amount of fluid around the bone flap. The bone was not infected. Thank you Lord! The surgeon also restiched the area that came apart from the inside and the outside. Overall, this complication is much more minor than we initially thought on Sunday night. Our hearts are so grateful to God for this provision.

Oliver has to be on IV Antibiotics for 48 hours because of the “contamination.”

We should be able to leave the hospital sometime Wednesday or Thursday.

Dr. Duhaime was hopeful that we can still return home on Saturday. Whoop-whoop!

We rewrapped Oliver's head and this time it seems to be staying better.

Last night was very long and difficult. Andrew stayed in the hospital with Oliver and I went home for some rest. The Haitian family sharing our Peds room has a little boy suffering from sickle cell anemia, and he was very unwell. They never turned the lights or TV off in the room, which made sleep next to impossible.  The nurses eventually realized this was not a healthy situation for Oliver, so when a room opened up at 4:20 a.m., they were moved down the hall to another double room.  I returned to the hospital by 5, and we continued the tag teaming care for our little man.  Times like this we are thankful we only have one child!

Oliver had a big spike in seizure activity throughout the night, having 7 pretty big ones.  Dr. Theile saw him this morning and continues to believe that this is not an indication he will continue having them indefinitely.

Mark 7:37
And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, "He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak."

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