Monday, September 5, 2011

He's going back in.

Andrew and Steph tag-teaming once more...

Oliver just went into the Operating Room. We have reason to be optimistic, as the incision site in question looks better this morning, and during the night he did not develop a fever. While we waited to go into the ER in our Oompa Loompa suits, Oliver busied himself with dancing and flirting with the nurses. It was great to see. Sure doesn't look like he has meningitis to we can pray those bone flaps aren't infected (*if the bone has some infection, we may need to have a prosthetic put in its place, or have it removed completely, leaving Oliver needing a special helmet for a prolonged period, and future surgeries). Doctors really can freak you out with worst case scenarios, can't they?

We also got to hear from Dr. Duhaime (WE LOVE HER!) This is what we prayed for, just some reassurance from her. She is even coming by tonight to see us. She assured us of Dr. Butler's expertise and that she thought this all looked minor (from what she had heard).

Another answer to prayer was Dr. Thiele who emailed us back and was also very encouraging. She is going to stop by today as well.

Seeing both of our doctors today is going to help put us at ease-- thank you God for this mercy :)

Trista and Tim Swing are in town this week to help us. They are bringing us breakfast and that ever important coffee. They have been sharing their amazing knowledge of Boston with us, helping us feel more at home here.

Thank you for your continued prayers. These next few hours will be very enlightening about what lies ahead for us.

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