Saturday, September 10, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Andrew posting for Steph, who is in nesting prime time (as anyone who knows a committed type 'A' knows!).

We are back in Wilmington!  Thank God...

Steph will make a more detailed posting tomorrow sometime, but suffice it to say:

It has been a long day.

We had a wonderful welcome from the Wootens in Raleigh, where we had lunch and hugs.

Uneventful (meaning great!) drive to Wilmington.

Unpacking and beginning to sort through mail and bills.

Chicken pot pie from Amy Mabery (thanks Amy!).

Letting Oliver do a little dancing and read some books with Grandad and Gran. He seriously sounds like a Japanese boy when he babbles now.  I feel like I should understand him more.  A good sign though.

Putting our little guy down in his own bed to sleep (we will be getting him up in the night for antibiotics and to join us in bed).

He was out like a light.

So far, the incision looks good. I have become a "helicopter dad", as Steph has pointed out that I do a lot of hovering these days around Oliver.  Maybe I will ease up sometime in the next five to ten years.

Many thanks to everyone who has been with us this far...we can't wait to see all of you!

Many prayers of gratitude to God.

Hoping for more good news soon.

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