Monday, September 5, 2011


Both my boys are sleeping. They are so cute in their matching O-Team shirts. I'd take a pic, but I don't want to risk waking wild thing.

Trista is bringing us dinner as we wait to see Dr. Duhaime and hear from the lab.

We had a wonderful visit with Dr. Thiele this afternoon. She put our hearts at ease. Oliver leaned in to snuggle with her, while we talked and he chugged his apple juice. She also speculated that the spinal fluid build-up (can't remember the amount, but it was significant) could actually have been triggering seizures.

We still don't know the length of our stay here in the hospital and if we will have to extend our stay in Boston. Once we know something definitive we'll let y'all know.

Today's O-Team Pics

The Yngves at the Fuzzy Peach in Wilmington...yummy

Cousin Ben who wore his shirt all day since school was out 

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