Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chicken Whisperer

Oliver has been on a HUGE upswing the past few days. No seizures. Lots of words. Plenty of singing.

We've had some very tender and sweet moments. I'm so thankful! 


I thought I'd let the pictures tell the story. All you need to know is this:

Our neighbor has 2 chickens and 2 bunnies in her backyard...
and this chase happens every single day

Right after this photo Oliver got to "pet" Blackberry. I say "pet" very loosely. What started as petting ended with feathers in Oliver's tight fist and Blackberry clucking and flapping. 

Since Blackberry is our neighbor we didn't want her to have a hen party and complain about us! 
So Andrew, who happens to be a chicken whisperer (who knew?) smoothed things over with her. He got her cradled in his arms and she was happy again. She didn't purr (obviously), but she did the chicken equivalent of that. Is there a chicken equivalent? 

1 comment:

Karen said...

That looks more like frolicking than running! That's hysterically cute.
p.s. Hope you had a nice visit with Rachael!!!