Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drug Reaction Rash?

Oliver developed a nasty rash on his leg yesterday afternoon. He didn't have a fever so I began to worry about a drug reaction. He has only been on Banzel around three weeks and reactions are still possible.

I was on the phone with the Boston team for an hour. I sent them pictures and they decided we needed to hold the Banzel (Drug #12) in case this is a drug is the culprit. They have had one other child have a similar reaction.

Already this AM Oliver had a seizure. I can't help but think it is because he doesn't have any Banzel in his system.

We are off to the pediatrician this morning for them to have a look. The plan as of now is to stay off Banzel for 5-7 days and then "challenge" Oliver with the liquid form. The other child who had this experience responded favorably to the liquid.

This is not an emergency by any means, just another bump in the road. Please pray for our little Oliver.

Here is the rash....

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