Saturday, October 8, 2011

First Week

Oliver's first week at the new preschool went great! I think it is going to be good for him. His teacher even lives in our neighborhood, in our same model house. Cool huh?

He is on some new meds so he is a bit on the tired side. His seizures are averaging 1-2 a day.

We plan to return to Boston in December for our follow-up appointments. It isn't my choice of travel dates, but you can't be choosy when you go to the best! It will be cold, but of course I've already thought of the Christmas decorations that will make the city look magical and that makes me giddy!

Thankfully, Oliver continues to be a happy boy with that sparkle in his eye that we love so much.

Thank you for your prayers and love. The O-Team continues to amaze us!

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