Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Seizure Monster Returns...

Oliver loves seeing the buses in front of his new school. 

Oliver is having seizures again. We are tinkering with the meds to see if we can get them under control.

We just confirmed our plans to return to Boston, in December for a 24 hour EEG and other post-surgery appointments. We are already anticipating the results of the EEG. We are curious where these seizures are originating from considering they removed so much brain tissue in August.

Despite the seizures, Oliver is busy singing and dancing his way through life. He is very much into cars and trucks these days...and school buses!

On Monday Oliver had a cognitive evaluation. He did well and improved from his last assessment. He will have a speech and hearing evaluation on November 1st. All of these are being completed for his IEP design meeting on November 7th. (When I have more energy and time I'll explain the IEP. Don't worry if you have no idea what I am talking about; soon enough you will hear a great deal on the topic!)

I've been very busy caring for Oliver's needs, scheduling these tests and appointments. I am so grateful for the time he is in preschool. He is really blooming under their specialized care and I am able to get so much accomplished in those hours.

Oliver's Classroom Door. His teachers are so creative! 

Thank you for your continued love and support. As we've said before this is a marathon, not a sprint. We are going to keep running....

Oliver in the reading center in his new classroom

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