Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Oliver's costume this year is a monkey. Too bad you can't see the banana in his pocket. I decided we should be the Zookeepers---the Lord knows we feel like it. 

These photos are from our church's fall festival. Oliver had a great time. He was mainly interested in three things:
1- The tractor
2- The speaker and sound system (Look for a video soon of Oliver singing karaoke) 
3-The Ligenfelter's pick-up truck with two goats and a chicken

Here is Oliver with Pastor Paul on the tractor. Not surprisingly, Oliver wasn't thrilled with the hay ride...he wanted to drive! He has been spoiled by his Papaw Tommy and Papaw Grady letting him drive and ride their tractors to his heart's content. 

Paul is a great pastor and friend. He's been doing an amazing series on the Gospel of John. I keep sending him emails saying "that sermon was an A+!" Paul, if you read this, no pressure. 

Paul married us and has been a part of our lives even before our marriage. He has carried us to the cross when we couldn't do it ourselves. Paul, we love you and we appreciate you. Thank you for always giving our church a picture of servant leadership. 


This is my sweet mama who always loves to have fun. I appreciate her spunk and sense of humor more and more. I knew she would do some kind of costume for the Fall Festival, and sure enough she pranced down the stairs like this. I love it! Thanks mom for always being "game." I love you! 

Now for the Thomas twins....Caroline and June. Are they the most precious things or what? They are always a delight to be with and bring so much joy to my life.



The cutest ducks EVER with their wonderful Daddy and our dear friend, Anthony. 

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