Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Advent Wreath

Here it is...straight from Advent Wreath! It was made by the ever-clever , always spiritual, Voskamp family. If you don't know about them, well you should. Ann Voskamp wrote the book One Thousand Gifts. I feel like I have talked about that book at least 1,000 times. It was a rather transformative book for me...

Sorry, I digress, it has been a good year for my bookshelf! OK, back to the wreath.

Ann's son, 15 year old Caleb makes these Advent Wreaths. This is the website for them. Her pictures are much better. It helps to have all the candles. I mean who has 24 taper candles hanging around? Anyway, I keep digressing...I ordered one months ago and it arrived yesterday! Isn't it lovely? More than how it looks, I LOVE the symbolism. It has an attachment piece that makes it bigger, with 40 candles for Lent leading to Easter. So cool, huh? Again, check her website, because she actually does this 2 for 1 wreath some justice. The icing on the cake is that all the proceeds from the wreaths go to Compassion International.


So, in honor of Ann and her book, I have a little plan for Thanksgiving.

On Thursday, I am going to take notice of every single thing that makes me thankful. I think it will be tedious, but I need this exercise now more than ever. It will kind of be like Ann Voskamp's 1,000 gifts on speed.

And hey, why don't you join me? It would be fun to do it together, don't you think?

You know, come to think of it, I am already feeling thankful for Mamaw Shirley's sausage balls and it is still Wednesday!

Let the gratitude begin....

Hebrews 12:28

Therefore let us be GRATEFUL for receiving a kingdom 

be shaken...


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