Sunday, November 27, 2011

Big Bad Seizures

The Big Bad seizures have made a few appearances during the time we have been in Concord. Our concern is that these are more of Grand Mal seizures and that Oliver's breathing might be seriously jeopardized during them. I am curious to see what his pulse ox is when he is having one. So we are off to the ER to see if Oliver can/should be admitted to the Jeff Gordon Children's Pavilion at Carolina's Medical Center-Northeast. We'll update when we can.


LuLaRoeMeg said...

Oh Steph. Never a break for you! Praying.

Christina Parker Brown said...


legomaster said...

Hugs....and tears for you all.
Be praying for Oliver and some miracle to hold these nasty monsters at bay.
Hold onto each other, my friend, and may a little laughter lighten your days.