Wednesday, December 14, 2011

MGH here we come

This morning we are enjoying our time at the Farrell home before we head over to the hospital. I started my morning with Boston Cream Pie (when in Boston, right?) and a cup of Starbucks. It has to be a good day with a start like that, right? Oliver enjoyed hanging out with his buddies (Faith, Luke & Evelyna) before they all went off to school. 

We continue to be extremely thankful for the hospitality of Rich and Carolyn. They have become dear friends and we love to spend time with them. Last night, Luke and Faith put on a "show" for us complete with tickets for admission (they provided the tickets, of course!). It was really cute! 

This morning we depart their wonderful abode with good spirits and thankful hearts. 

Oliver and Evelyna enjoying their morning milk. 

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