Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Better Day

Today Oliver only had three seizures, two of which lasted only 20 seconds. This is great news. I would have rather him have zero, but it is a significant improvement from yesterday. We avoided the ER last night, and hopefully have stopped the crazy seizure cycle from yesterday. We aren't out of the woods (that rarely happens with Epilepsy), but he is much more stable. I am planning on attending my conference in Orlando tomorrow and I will be gone for four (!) days. Prayers for Andrew and the team of caretakers (Judy, Kristen, Kara, Maegan) helping with Oliver would be greatly appreciated. Oliver truly has been raised by our village of people, and we are constantly thankful!

I posted this on Facebook, but for those of you not on there we are considering which helmet to order for Oliver. I am thinking a hard shell with face guard. It looks the most dramatic, but it provides the most protection. Any personal experiences with these would be great to hear about. Feel free to email me privately at if you have any suggestions.


Finally, an ode to someone worthy of honor:

Dear Jan Paolini, RN:
You are outstanding; really you are! I honestly sleep better knowing we have you in our lives to help with Oliver's care. Your expert knowledge (you are a seizure info ninja!) and patient guidance are absolutely priceless. Walking me through how to give Oliver Diastat the first time was an incredible kindness that I won't forget. 

I'm pretty sure that Jan and I talked/left messages no less than 15 times over the last three days. If you've been around the "medically fragile" block then you know how unusual this is! At the Herscot Center they truly treat their patients like family.

Jan, may God bless you for the good work you do every single day. We love you and appreciate you!

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