Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Challenges

                                                         Oliver likes his temporary helmet.

We tried potty training. It was an utter disaster. The toilet paper holder was ripped from the drywall by The Incredible Hulk boy, among many other unmentionables that happened over last week. Dealing with human waste is not my strong suit. I would have made a terrible nurse. I gave it my best effort and until the little person is actually physically able, there isn't much one can do. Guess I'll have to eat the 4 gallon bag of gummy bears myself :)

In very sad news, Oliver has developed another type of seizure. I bet you didn't even know there were more kinds...well there are. This one is the most dangerous. It is called an atonic seizure, or otherwise known as a drop-attack seizure. (add hyper link)

Over the past week, we realized that Oliver was going “limp” with some frequency. After he fell twice on Sunday AM, I finally googled “limp and seizure”, and (to my horror) realized he had been having these seizures for the past week. I have no idea how I missed this...

These seizures are so dangerous because they cause children to bust out their teeth, shatter their knee caps, break bones etc... They happen so fast that the child doesn't have a chance to protect themselves.

So Andrew's Father's Day wake up call was “Honey, I think Oliver is having drop-attack seizures.” Sunday was littered with tears, as the reality of yet another type of seizure (3rd kind) hit us.
Like a freight train.

Part of why it hit us so hard was because Oliver has been doing SO well with his language and speech. Overall things have been going in the right direction with his development, and we were feeling so optimistic about things. So this new development stunned us.

I was on the phone for a long time yesterday with the Boston team. They don't have any explanation for this, and neither do we. It may be due to a growth spurt, but this is part of the mystery of Epilepsy. As of now, the plan is to put him back on Ativan to stop the seizure cycle, and increase Clobazam. We'll see...

We will also be ordering a custom helmet for him to wear if these seizures aren't controlled. I could write a whole post about the emotions I feel about this. Maybe another time I'll go there; just don't tell me it is the same thing as the helmet for Plagiocephaly.

This summer Oliver is attending Easter Seals UCP for summer camp. They are very experienced with chidlren who struggle with seizures. I think it is an excellent fit for his needs! His first half-day was Wednesday and so far, so good!

Last week I started leading a study of the book “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller. It is for ladies only, so if you are in Wilmington and want to check it out, please come! It is a great book on prayer, and this post made me think of this quote from the book:

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NASB). The criteria for coming to Jesus is weariness. Come overwhelmed with life. Come with your wandering mind. Come messy.
-A Praying Life by Paul Miller

Consider it done, Paul Miller. I've been messy, overwhelmed, off-task and weary. Good thing God is bigger than any diagnosis, and able to handle the heart break of this tired mama.

Here is my prayer: “Father, I do not understand what you are doing or how the suffering of sweet Oliver will work, but it is the exact method you used. Your only son. My only son. Your son suffered. My son suffers. Even though Oliver (clearly) isn't Jesus, I get it. I get it. I trust that you won't waste his suffering or mine.”


From Andrew: As I was editing this post and we were about to hit “publish”, we have had a scary development. Oliver has had 9 siezures of varying types today even though he is now on Ativan and an increased dose of Clobazam. This is not good. These heavy duty meds are usually able to stop this cycle, but in this case...We consulted with the doctors, and had to make the difficult decision to give Oliver an emergency dose of Diastat. The CNA is here to help monitor him, and as long as Oliver doesn't have any more siezures (or any other complications related to this med) over the next four hours, we will be able to avoid taking him to the ER. We will be watching his breathing closely.  Please keep him in your prayers tonight!


Unknown said...

Oliver will certainly be in my prayers tonight, and tomorrow morning - as well as mom and dad. Even weary and overwhelmed you seem to handle the difficulties that face you daily with the kind of grace I think God hopes we all exhibit daily. Consider that one thing to check off your list. Also inspirational is the way you write about one another, that obstacles bring you together as a family when I know the additional effort that takes, with days coming at you from time to time when I'm sure it feels like there's no more effort left to access. I have a big family, and will be passing your names around our prayer chain this evening.

legomaster said...

Oh Stephanie, my prayers and thoughts go to all of you.

chelsea said...

praying for you all!

Linda said...

Thank you for continuing to share your heart and soul with us by sharing your story. I know the Lord sees all and knows all and I know He continues to be taking care of all of you, especially sweet little Oliver. My prayers and thoughts continue to be with you as you travel this road He has you on for His purposes. Love to you all,

Karen said...

Hey guys,

Very sad to read this recent news. I looked up this type of seizure on youtube and its heartbreaking. I hope for you that you are quickly able to find a way to manage it.

There is a traditional Hebrew prayer called the
"Mi Shebierach" which asks for complete healing of the body and soul of someone you care about. I was just reading about an alternative to this prayer that was created for the realities of chronic disease. I thought it was kind of powerful so I thought I'd share it with you. I pray this for Oliver, as well as you and Andrew:

"May the One who blessed our fathers and our mothers, bless _______ son/daughter of _______: strengthen his/her heart and raise up his/her hand, with the blessings you gave to Yaakov, to Yonatan and David, to Daniel the Prophet, to Tamar mother of Peretz, to Miriam the Prophetess, and to Naomi.
May God give to him/her grace, compassion and loving-kindness; love, harmony, peace, and companionship. Speedily, Adonai our God, hear our voices, take up our prayers, and watch over his/her life-force, spirit, and soul. With respect to your power, your loving-kindness, and your great compassion, behold we say to him/her: be strong and of good courage . Spread over us all Your shelter of peace. And let us say: Amen."