Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ollie Singing!

Enjoy! We sure do....


Janah said...

This is so precious. Jesus sure knows how to send us a joyful noise at the right time. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers as you make your way through this journey.

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Has to be the sweetest video I've ever seen!

Claudia said...

Love his singing...and that big ol' dimple that shows up when he sings and smiles both!
Love y'all...

Claudia said...

Love that dimple and LOVE to hear him singing...and singing...and singing!

Claudia said...

Love y'all...and LOVE the singing!

Mrs. M said...

Great job buddy!

Katie said...

Oh my! He melts my heart!!!

The Carpenters said...

I loved that, I felt like cheering when he finished each song!

The Carpenters said...

I loved that! I felt like cheering when he finished each song.

Karen said...

Wow, he's doing great! Seems like huge strides since even a few months ago when we saw you guys! Also, seeing him in a video instead of a photo...its unreal how much he looks like Andrew! Such a cutie!

Karen said...

Wow! He sounds great! Huge strides even since we saw you guys just a few months ago! Also, he's looking so much like Andrew now! What a cutie!!!

Vicki Williams said...

I am so glad you shared this. He is a sweetheart. Still praying for you all. Love