Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hopsital Tomorrow!

Tonight we received a call from our UNC doctor about a video we sent him. In the video,which was from Sat. AM, it showed Oliver having a seizure that lasted 1-2min. The doctor was troubled by what he saw and is concerned it is an Infantile Spasm. Infantile Spasm are really bad news. We rejoiced in Boston with the specialist there that Oliver seemed to escape this really bad symptom of TSC. We are praying that the seizures are not Infantile Spams. The treatment options for IS have serious side effects. We'll post more as we go along.

Oliver will be admitted to NH Hospital tomorrow at 9. He will then be up fitted with another "hat" like the one he had at UNC. Getting the EEG electrodes on his head is extremely difficult and Andrew and I are already stressed about having to go through this again. It is usually takes over an hour and last time Oliver screamed throughout the whole thing while we had to hold him down :( The other challenge is this is a video EEG so Oliver will need to stay on camera, meaning he'll need to stay in the crib. Y'all know him so you know what a challenge this is going to be. We will be in the hospital at least 24 hours but, it could take longer. Basically the doctor said we won't leave till they capture one of these "events". Today, so far Oliver hasn't had a seizure so we are hoping he is "saving up" for tomorrow!

In encouraging news the Lord blessed us twice today. One was the arrival of our new laptop (perfect for Netflix live streaming of Sesame Street) and #2 our CPA came and helped me process all our property management checks/etc for the month. So thanks be to God for being gracious to us despite this surprise hospital stay. Also we are thankful we've met our deductible for insurance so there shouldn't be any significant out of pocket expenses. I've been recently reading a book about contentment...what timing?

So please pray for these things:
1- smooth Electrode placement
2- Oliver to have a seizure in the first 24 hours
3- Oliver to somehow cooperate with staying in the hospital crib.
4- Patience and a positive attitude for Andrew and I as we try to figure all this out.

We appreciate your love for us and they way you keep begging our Father on our behalf. We love you all so dearly!

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