Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blissfully Unaware

The seizure free streak (Sat AM to Wed PM) is over. Oliver had a seizure last night and this morning. We can't help but be a bit discouraged although we knew this would probably happen. We have increased the dose of Clobazam as of last night.

I am happy to report that Speech Therapy went well this morning. Our therapist, Laura, encouraged us to "sing" more words. Oliver does well with intonation so it has already helped him say some words. He loves music so we have had fun singing everything this morning. He said "butter" for peanut butter and he hasn't done that before. Maybe the gorgeous singing helped?

Please pray for a few things: 1- We would get an appt. at MUSC to start the diet really soon. We are anxious to give this a try. All our stuff is there; we are waiting for them to give us an appt. 2- That sleep tent would arrive SOON! Mr. Sandman has ran off again :(

This afternoon we have Occupational Therapy (it was cancelled Mon b/c of weather). We are hopeful they will have ideas that may help with sleep/sensory issues.

One thing we thank God for is that Oliver isn't aware of all that is going on with him medically. He just bops along through his day like a regular toddler- blissfully unaware.
These photos made me think of his lack of awareness and just how sweet it is....

1 comment:

Mrs. M said...

Love the slippers.

These kiddos are amazing. It is their normal...which is sad...but they are always teaching us adults a lesson or two aren't they?

Good luck with all! Hoping the seizure free streaks become more of the norm.