Sunday, January 23, 2011


Medication Update:
Today we received Sabril, the final med we can try to control Oliver's spasms. He's been seizure free for a few days so we won't start it unless he has a break through seizure. We are praying we never have to give it to him, but time will tell. At least we have it here and waiting if we do need it. I could do a whole post on the emotions of signing all the waivers, etc. to get him on this medication. It is pages of paperwork. There are only four pharmacies you can get it from in the US! This sure isn't just running around the corner to your local Rite Aid for children's ibuprofen.

Oliver Update:
We have been greatly encouraged the last few days! Oliver has been doing great. I feel like we all are physically and mentally relaxed, more than we've been in a long while. This island of goodness has refreshed us! Yesterday was just awesome. When I say awesome, I mean, awe inspiring. Oliver was alert, significantly less clumsy, very verbal and animated. I took him to Panera for lunch with a friend and he went around the whole restaurant waving and saying "hi"-now that is the kid I remember from months ago. We really forgot how fun and delightful he is when he isn't exhausted or doped up on meds.

We say all this joyfully but, with caution. As you probably know, Oliver has had 2 other 3-4 day spells that were similar to this (no seizures, more himself). We know, all too well, that everything could change today when he wakes up from his nap. We are trying to protect our emotions and not read too much into this. Basically, we are rejoicing for what is and trying to not get caught up in tomorrow! Just letting the joy of the day hang in the air- resting on this island of rejuvenation.

Mom & Papa Update: (Oliver prefers to call Andrew "papa" instead of "daddy" so we're going with it)
We have been abundantly encouraged by you, our friends and family. On Thursday I saw the FedEx man coming and I ran to the door. I thought it was that ding-dang tent. I saw on the box it said "perishable" on the side. Obviously, the tent isn't perishable so I was curious if he had the wrong address. Well, he didn't, it was for us. You'll never guess what it was? It was a huge, box of English muffins. Who knew? How fun is that? What a sweet treat from some very sweet people!

Andrew's real estate colleagues have also been wonderful. We been really touched by their thoughtfulness and interest in Oliver's situation. They have made us feel cared for and loved. We feel really blessed that he gets to work with such a special group of people!

OK I am almost done blabbing about how much you mean to us ((wink, wink)). I seriously could do another blog for that! So here it is, last thing...yesterday, I opened the mail and found 6 cards of encouragement! I thought, "wow this is better than a birthday!" I didn't even know 2 of the people that sent the cards, they were friends of friends. It really touched us! We know there are lots of people praying but, recently it has felt so real and tangible. We have sometimes misjudged the ripples of Oliver's life, in his 2 short years he has clearly touched many, many people. It is humbling to be cared for so well. It is because of you, and through your generosity we get to know how much God cares for us. Simply put, it feels like, with you our community, our burdens are halved and our joys are doubled!

"I am amply supplied now that I have received...the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God." Philippians 4:18-19

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