Monday, January 24, 2011

We knew this would happen....the seizures are back. Tonight Oliver had 4 seizures within 2 1/2 hours. This is a record and not in a good way. We obviously feel sad; we had hoped we'd have longer before they returned. We know this is the nature of TSC and we are getting better at bracing for the ups and downs. This time we were more prepared for their return but, it still stung. It felt more and more emotional as the each one happened throughout the night. We continue to pray that one day soon, it will be the last day, we see that terrible look of a seizure taking over our son. We believe that day will come and pray it will be soon.

Here are some photos from Lily Kate and Charlotte's Birthday Party. Oliver had a wonderful time being a wild man at this gymnastics party. Oh, the joy of a 2 year old, being catapulted into a foam pit!

The birthday girls and their parents- precious! We love this family. Happy Birthday!


Faison said...

Hi Stephanie- I am Judy and Frank Gibson's daughter. I wanted to tell you that we are all praying for Oliver and your whole family. Your faith and your positive attitude are just amazing and inspirational - Oliver is so blessed to have you as his mom! If there is ever anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate.
Faison Sutton

Mrs. M said...

Sorry to read that they are back. That's so hard. I'm not sure it ever gets easier to witness your child have seizures....despite how intense or not they are.

Hugs to you all.