Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

We hope your New Year is wonderful!

Oliver loves to play this harmonica he got for Christmas. It is super cute when he plays it and tries to dance at the same time.

We are relieved to tell you that our old Oliver seems to be reemerging!!!!! We have now been on the new med, Clobazam for 3 days. So far, since he has been on it, he is doing really well! It is much too early to tell if this means it is working completely but, it sure is encouraging! We are also, simultaneously, tapering him off of the "bad med" (Zonisamide). He should be totally off of it by Monday, Thank you Lord!

We are thrilled, and that isn't hyperbole, to say that Oliver has "rediscovered" a few of his animal sounds and "tricks". Every time he does something we thought he "lost" we have a mini-party. It literally feels like getting a gift from God, getting a piece of our child back. You really don't realize how important all these things are until you see them disappear. It is a reminder, as we begin this new year, to not take things for granted.

We are beginning 2011 as changed people; more grateful than ever and hopeful that the Lord will be near to us in the year to come.


Where in the World are the Powells said...

Oliver did seem to be coming back to his normal self the other night! I do love that little boy and am so thankful that this new med might be a step in the right direction! We will continue to be praying for you daily!

Claudia said...

Many, many prayers and hugs. A new year and a new step in the right direction. Amen!

Pete said...

I have never seen a two year old pick up a piece of furniture before! Seems like Oliver is back to is regular Paul Bunyan strength to me.