Monday, January 10, 2011


I always think snow is like getting a confetti shower from God

This looks ridiculous I realize, but how could I resist? The flakes were so big and beautiful.

Oliver seems to be back to his old self these days and we are SO thankful! Today, he brought us books and was saying "eead". Every new thing he does is really special and a confirmation that he is moving forward again in his development. Thank you Jesus!

For the most part, sleep has returned to our home. We aren't 100% yet but, we are on our way. I think the combination of the med and getting adjusted to the big boy bed is creating more rest for everyone. Sleep=Happy People.

I am super happy/thankful/overjoyed/relieved to report that Oliver has been free of Spasms (as far as we know) since very early Saturday morning so, over 48 hours!!! Whoo-Hoo!!! He has had a stretch like this before but, we are hoping the rest and med combo is helping his brain stop seizing for good. Our prayer tonight is one of thanksgiving and renewed hope for the future.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

so glad to hear that wonderful news!