Monday, February 21, 2011

Bumpity Bump

Yesterday Oliver had 3 seizures. I think it is due to going down on one medication, Keppra. This med seemed to do the least for the seizures and was the first the doctor wanted to wean. Perhaps it was doing more than I thought? The seizures could conceivably be triggered because I messed up the diet. I don't think that is likely but, it is certainly a possibility. The pressure of that is daunting- gotta bring my A game all the time, every single day :)

This morning I went back to a 1/4 pill of Keppra (instead of none) and it seemed to help. Oliver had a better day and we only saw one, very mild seizure. So, all hope is not lost. Just a bumpity bump on the TSC coaster. We'll see how tomorrow goes...

On Wed we have our appt. with the pediatric opthamologist. Part of the waiver you sign to go on Sabril says you'll have an eye exam within one month of beginning the med. We are praying that the Sabril isn't damaging Oliver's vision. At this age it is very hard to tell that there is damage until it is severe. So, we'd love your prayers on this matter!

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