Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coloring valentines...
This got me thinking that maybe he was trying to make a Valentine for his lady friend, Charlotte. We've talked about their love for one another many times on this blog. They are more like siblings these days than star crossed lovers. They really can get into a tiff- if you know what I mean :) Miss Charlotte sure can hold her own and I like that about her! She is feisty and can really give Oliver the business when he tries to steal a toy :) She talks SO much more than him and it is really fun to watch their interaction. I can't wait until Oliver can talk like her- it is so darn cute!

In related news, we are happy to report Oliver is saying another name (other than Mama and Papa) and you guessed is Charlotte! In photos she is the only person he will name. Guess these two really do have something special?

In medical update news, Oliver has been seizure free since Sunday!!! He has really started talking so much more and been much more engaged. It is so nice to see how well his brain works when it isn't bogged down with seizures. It is very joyful around here as Andrew and I marvel at how quickly he is developing in the absence of the seizures.

Lastly, I have to say "THANK YOU GOD!" for the spring like weather. Today it is supposed to be 71 degrees in Wilmington!!!! How can you not be happy about that? I have 3 tiny daffodils springing up out front. I get excited each day to go out and see how many more have bloomed. I love the rhythm of the seasons and the way it just feels right that things start to "come alive" again.

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