Monday, February 21, 2011

Infantile Spasms Video

If you've wanted to know more about Infantile Spams, watch this. Awareness is vital because early diagnosis can make a HUGE difference in the prognosis for the child. Every spasm that goes untreated can damage the brain. After you watch the video you will see how easy they are to miss, so please educate yourself. You just might be able to help another family one day!

Did you see our Boston doc, Dr. Theile in there? She was the blonde lady.


Claudia said...

My mom passed away on Sunday, but through it all I kept thinking of you. I couldn't use the Internet and get updates, but kept praying for you and Oliver!
The video was very informative and I DID see your doctor.
Also ... I'd be glad to help prepare meals!! Isn't Shaunna a sweetheart!! She's good in the kitchen, too!!
Hang in there.

The Allens said...


I would love to help you prepare meals, or whatever else you may need, as well. Please let me know what the best way is to help your family. And if that question is to hard to answer, then give me your shopping list and your coupons, and I will become your personal shopper!! You know I love to get those bargains now! Please call, text, or email me, or I will look for you at church.

Much love,
Emily Allen