Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Tweaks

Yesterday at the eye doctor we got great news. So far, Oliver's eyes seem unaffected by Sabril. This is what we expected because this was considered the baseline appointment. Nevertheless we are really thankful! The appointment took a while so I was really glad Grandaddy Jim was with me. Oliver was really good considering the environment and the 2 hours we were in that tiny office. He had a seizure at the end of the second eye exam and I was glad the doctor got to see it. He said he didn't see anything to be worried about with his eyes (lazy eye, directional eye gaze, etc.) It is always good when an expert can witness one and give us their thoughts. Unrelated to Sabril, the dr. said Oliver has a moderate astigmatism. He said we would know more at Oliver's six month follow-up and it is possible when he is 3 or 4 he'll need glasses. I feel like glasses are the least of our worries, I mean we are worried about blindness so, glasses we can do!

Yesterday I spoke with Heidi (the nutritionist) in Boston. As I guessed, I had been doing a few things wrong with the diet. I was giving Oliver a few products that I shouldn't have. Also, he was too low on protein and calories. Basically there are some more tweaks that need to be made. I've been cooking and readjusting more today so hopefully the balance will be better. Oliver had a whopping 10 seizures today so I am really motivated to get this right! That is the highest seizure count ever. They said it might get worse before it gets better- I sure hope that is what is happening?

1 comment:

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Oh Steph! I'm so sorry. 10 seizures amongst all your hard work must seem discouraging. You are the perfect mama for Oliver!