Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh, "No!"--It's another Mardi Gras Parade

It has been more than a week since we started the how-much-fat-can-I-get-in-this-meal-diet. Honestly, it hasn't gotten much easier- probably a bit harder. They say it gets easier...? I sure have been praying it will. Good thing the good Lord doesn't tire of our prayers- I've been asking for boat loads of help from Him (and everyone else) the past 8 days. Thanks to the many helpers-you make me feel sane :)

Oliver's favorite word these days is "NO!" He says it even when he doesn't mean it----- gotta love those 2 year olds! :) He's been saying "NO!" with special enthusiasm to many of my LGIT recipe creations. (In his defense one really did look like something you wouldn't normally eat). Regardless, of outward beauty, you would think with all the fat they'd be yummy? Frankly, the rejection is getting a bit old, if you know what I mean. The first few times you "shake it off" but on smoothie try # 3 (within 15 min) I start to feel discouraged and creatively challenged. There are only so many "creations" you can make with these nutritional guidelines.

This whole diet thing is so different than regular toddler meal times (which are already, how should we say, difficult). We don't have the luxury of "waiting til he gets hungry enough to eat it" with this diet. Oliver has to eat because the food is the medicine. I must calculate everything he puts in that cute pie hole which takes a surprising amount of mental sharpness. So if he rejects salami, I try something else with similar fat/carb/protein content because I need him to consume 110-115 grams of fat a day! As a side note- that is A LOT! So basically every morning begins a new Mardi Gras parade of fattening foods {minus the beads, boobs and booze of course} :)

After the parade starts, I gear up for my new job as food clown--hawking my creations--even singing about that yummy avocado/heavy cream smoothie. The good news is I think I am turning out to be a rather decent food clown. Now if I could just join the circus...maybe one that visits spas...

As for the seizures (the reason for all this nonsensical talk) he had 4 Sunday, which is more than we had seen in a while. The great news is he has had another seizure free streak (Mon AM to tonight)!!!! Was it the med or the diet, a long term miracle- just too early to really know- regardless we will celebrate it. Thank you, good Lord! Now that is the reason I go on clowning and cooking. Could there be a better reward for the long hours and smoothie rejections?

1 comment:

Josh and Tiffany said...

Josh and I continue to keep you in our prayers! Hope you are doing well. Lets get together soon when things with Oliver calm down and you get the diet figured out better!