Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oliver as Marriage Counselor?

A few weeks ago when we were tucking Oliver into bed he started his marriage counseling. It was rather unexpected, yet surprisingly effective. As many of you have done with toddlers, Andrew and I kissed each other, hoping to earn a kiss from Ollie. Instead he giggled and then cupped each of our chins in his hands and pushed us together to kiss. We all giggled. He did this over and over again. The giggling led to outright laughter. He has done it a few other times and each time we love it.

That evening when he first did it we walked downstairs and we already knew we'd want that moment back. Oliver in feetie pajamas, snuggled with his blanket, soft chubby cheek, face full of wonder, us kissing happily, savoring the fleeting moment...

Switching gears...

Seizure Update:
They are back. Not as long or as intense. We'll increase the dose of Sabril and hope the diet works when we start Tuesday! I have declared Tuesday as D day- "diet day." I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. It is a great deal of work, math (I HATE math), and constant fretting, at least in the beginning. Everyday we need to get Oliver to consume 60% fat, 20% protein and only 10% carbohydrates. It is tricky to say the least. The bottom line is I am going to suck it up and soldier through this. It is time to put on my big girl panties, quit whining and make this happen! Hoo-Rah! Woop-Woop! Who's your mama?!!???!!!

Good thing we had a rest from seizures for a WHOLE week- we sure needed it! What a gift! Thanks Lord!

1 comment:

Julie said...

YOU CAN DO IT!! :) If anyone can, YOU sure can!