Tuesday, July 19, 2011

9 Vials

One type A mama who remembers----his liver has to be checked.

which leads to...

9 vials of blood

over 7 days

One hug from a stranger with gray hair

One bruise from the wiggle of a needle in his vein

0 tears (!)

2 Happy Dances

Now 2 days without Depakote and...his liver is better.

And his mama folds her hands, bows her head, and whispers

“thank you”...to the Greatest Physican of them all


Mrs. M said...

Great news!
You must be so relieved. It's one more thing that is behind you...behind Oliver. *sigh*
What a little trooper for going through the pokes of blood checks. Poor bud!

Christina Parker Brown said...

LOVED meeting you at She Speaks yesterday. I feel honored to have heard your story. I will be praying for little dancing Oliver and for you too. I can't wait to see how God plans to bless you through all of this. PS I am your newest follower. Check out my blog at http://www.akahomeschoolmom.blogspot.com/