Saturday, July 9, 2011

You're Invited!

Please consider this your official invitation to join The O-Team. To get the scoop and RSVP click here:
"O-Team Evite". (FYI this isn't a fundraiser but, rather a time of fellowship and encouragement-raising!) Feel free to forward this on to anyone who might like to come. Oliver would love to hug your neck! Lastly, thank you to our friends for helping us plan this very special event. We love you.

Now, another t-shirt tid-bit...if you are local, this is when and where you'll pick up your t-shirt(s). You still need to buy them through the PayPal button on our blog. This ensures you get the right size and we order the correct amount of shirts. If you are not local, please click the “Buy Now” shipping button (this will be separate from your t-shirt purchase). That way I'll know that you'd like me to mail your shirt(s) to you. You only need to pay for shipping once, even if you are getting more than one shirt, assuming it is going to the same address. Hope that makes sense?

Now for the BIG, BIG, long-awaited news.

We have an official surgery date. August 23rd!!!!!

We've bought our plane tickets. We'll be leaving on Sunday the 21st. Oliver's pre-op appointments will be on Monday the 22nd. We'll also meet with Dr.Thiele and Dr. Duhaime on that day. To finally have a plan and a date is a relief. Let the praying and the planning begin...

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