Tuesday, August 9, 2011

5 things your toddler might do while you check your email...

1- Bounce a cantaloupe like a ball
2- Sprinkle an entire box of facial tissues all over the house
3- Stir the toilet water with a spatula
4- Crunch on sidewalk chalk for a “snack”
5- Use his chicken tender as a paint brush and blueberry yogurt as paint. Was it lunch time or art time? Who cares, right?

August 8th
Please pray for overall health for Andrew and I during the next two months. If we stay healthy it will be much easier for us to take good care of Oliver.

August 9th (2 weeks until surgery)
Please pray for the pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Ann-Christine Duhaime. Here is an article about her that I posted on the blog when we decided she was who we wanted. We are praying her small hands and brilliant mind will lead Oliver down the path of healing.

August 10th
Please pray for Oliver to remain healthy. If he is sick, has a fever or has an asthma flare up it could prevent him from being able to have surgery as scheduled. That would be a huge letdown as we've spent  months planning, praying and paying for this trip.

August 11th
Please pray for us to be wise stewards of our financial resources during this time. If you remember a few months ago I posted about a program called CAP-C which would help significantly with Oliver's medical costs. We will be reapplying with that program from Boston in hopes Oliver might be eligible for some services once we return home. 

August 12th
Please pray for everything to go smoothly with our insurance. Since we are out of state there are always little surprises. Also, that the insurance company would approve everything that the doctors think is necessary. On the phone with the insurance company is the last way we want to spend our time in Boston :) if you know what I mean. 

You continue to amaze us with your love and care. Thank you!

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