Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Out of the Hospital

Hi Friends! We are settled back in at the Farrell's. Oliver is SO happy to be free of the bed and the wires. He had a blast on the stroller ride from the hospital through the public garden. As we walked out of the hospital it all seemed very surreal. It is a glorious day here and the park was just bursitng with life. Our hearts were so full we sang hymns the rest of the walk home. Thank you Lord that we got through that!

Their internet is down so we won't be posting as frequently until it gets fixed. We are staying in Boston until September 10th so we can have follow-up appointments and make sure Oliver is healing properly.

Dr. Duhaime assured us that Oliver's schedule would be "off" for at least a week or so. Sleep may be difficult to come by as we try to get him back on his on schedule. We are glad for these week or so to adjust and heal before jumping head first into life in Wilmington!

FYI our i-phones don't work so well at the Farrells. Texts are slightly better. All this to say if we are MIA the next few days/week that is why. We want to be in touch but, it is all about reception and access.

I spent 30 minutes hanging off the back deck trying to get 3G before walking down to this Starbucks.

Love and thanks! We appreciate y'all!!!!

P.S. Sorry if this post is a mess. My editor is back at the house napping with Oliver.

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