Sunday, September 4, 2011

Adventures & Updates

Yesterday was a great day! We enjoyed our last morning with Gran and Grandaddy. We also loved seeing Andrew's Uncle Lud and Aunt Susan (they came up for dinner on Friday night from Connecticut).

We took Oliver for a walk to Copley Square and by the Boston Library. This area is truly beautiful this time of year, and the city is buzzing with activity. We met up with Jami, who lives in Wilmington and even lived with us for a few months. She was in town for a few days and brought me some yummy cheese straws :)

On the way home to the Farrell's, immediately after clearing an intersection, we heard tires squealing and very loud crash. Turns out a BMW had ran a red light and t-boned a Jeep Liberty, sending both cars spinning across the intersection. Andrew went to check on the drivers (who were surprisingly both okay), but it made us walk just a bit faster the rest of the way home!

Jami (with sunglasses) and her friend with us in Copley Square

Oliver continues to be more and more like his old self. The nights are slowly but surely improving, with him tolerating the sleep tent longer each time before joining us. He is getting a bit more sleep each night, and so are we. Boy, we need it!

This morning, while changing Oliver we noticed his neck was wet and there was fluid leaking from the back of his head. He is such a wiggler when we change him (and that has not changed, unfortunately!), and he scraped his massive scab. It was a bit tense for about 30 minutes as we debated calling the doctor about it. It is to be expected that this will happen from time to time during the healing process, but we are still a bit on edge. Now we have it covered with a bandage, and it seems under control. Always something to worry about...

I thought you'd like to know that Oliver danced again this morning for the first time while watching a cartoon! Perhaps we can capture this on video soon :)

He continues to have seizures, but there were fewer yesterday. We are thankful, and hope they'll be gone forever very soon! Please pray we can "calm and quiet" ourselves about the seizures and trust God to do what He will. 

Psalm 131

A song of ascents. Of David.

My heart is not proud, LORD, 
   my eyes are not haughty; 

I do not concern myself with great matters 
   or things too wonderful for me. 

But I have calmed and quieted myself, 
   I am like a weaned child with its mother; 
   like a weaned child I am content.

 Israel, put your hope in the LORD 
   both now and forevermore.

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