Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rough Night Continues...

Oh y'all our hearts are breaking. This is serious and we are scared.

Andrew just endured a "quickie MRI" with Oliver. He was so scared and Andrew had to hold him down. He couldn't even make eye contact. I think it traumatized them both. I sat outside and cried as I heard Oliver's screams. It didn't hurt, but I hate that he was scared.

The MRI is to help guide the surgery, which it appears will happen sometime tomorrow morning. The surgery could be rather simple (if the infection isn't bad) or long and complicated (if the infection is bad). Please, please join us in praying Oliver does not have meningitis. We are also praying they do not have to permanently remove the bone and put in a prosthetic (this has also been mentioned).

We are both a crying mess. We were told it is unlikely we'll get home on Saturday. I wish we were more rested for round 2....we had the finish line in sight...

The neurosurgeon is nice enough, but nothing like our Dr. Duhaime.

Your prayers mean a great deal.

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