Thursday, April 5, 2012

CT Scan and Prayer Requests

This week Oliver is on Spring Break. We are trying a new medication (Intuniv) to help with his sensory issues and so far I am not optimistic. I feel like I have been in an IronMan competition the last few days. Honestly, I haven't been this physically exhausted in...well...forever.

We went to visit my family in Concord earlier this week and Oliver was very happy to have hours of tractor rides. Here is a little picture of Oliver in his overalls with his Papaw.

Today at noon Oliver is having a brain CT scan here in Wilmington. We are praying for good results.

A quick reminder of what is going on in his brain:

The tumors on the outside of his brain (Cortical Tubers) do not grow, but they cause the seizures. These are technically called tubers and Oliver has well over 30 very small ones. They could be removed, but since they are everywhere that would not make sense. The tubers themselves do not cause the seizures, rather the tissue around the tuber gets irritated and then a seizure is born. The picture below isn't his brain. I am not that fancy, but a thought a visual might help? 

The tumors on the inside of his brain (Subependymal Nodules) can grow and (rarely) become life threatening. He has three of these tumors in his lateral ventricles. The ventricles are that "X" shape on the photo below. Oliver's are very small (as of his last scan 6 months ago).  These can become dangerous if they grow and block his spinal fluid.  Only 15% of nodules grow to a point that is considered dangerous.

So when we look at Oliver's brain there are always two different areas we are monitoring closely.

In case you are new to Lanier Landing, these tumors are NOT cancerous.  Also, you should know Oliver had brain surgery last summer to remove areas of his brain that were constantly producing seizures. 50% of people who have this surgery become seizure free, Oliver was not part of that seizure-free group. His seizures remain and hence his development is significantly delayed.

If you have more time than most here is a link that explains in more detail the brain involvement in TS:

We'll keep you posted and continue to be honored by your prayers and love.

Thanks for not tiring of our endless neediness.

Lastly, would you also pray for one of my high school friend's wife? His name is Phillip and his wife's name is Wesli. They are a beautiful family aren't they?

Wesli is in liver failure and #1 on the list to have a transplant at UNC. She is about my age and the mother of three young children. If you'd like to pray for them you can find out more here.


Amanda said...

Thank you for the update Stephanie! I think of you so often! Oliver is lucky to have been born to you and Andrew!!! Prayers and love to you!

Faison said...

Continuing to pray for health and strength - hope eveying went well today!

legomaster said...

Oliver is always in my prayers, Stephanie. Such a cutie and perservering with this TSC journey. I do hope you get positive news from the scan results.
And your friend....oh my goodness. So heartwrenching. I pray that God blesses them all with peace and love.