Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We Haven't Disappeared...

The kid loves his wagon

Verbatim from Dr. Thiele's email about Oliver's CT scan (which is 2 1/2 week old news at this point...sorry!):

"...just looked at the CT scan (we just got it tues pm), and compared to his last MRI here------ventricles look very stable, and no evidence of a subependymal giant cell tumor.  His ventricles are a little asymmetric (and have been) with the left a little bit bigger, and he does have a subependymal nodule on the left that looks calcified on CT.  so good news....."

Clearly we are grateful for this news and look forward to discussing it with her in more detail when we go up for our visit in May. 

Easter Smiles

We had a nice Easter and enjoyed spending time with my family who was in town visiting. Oliver liked all the extra attention they gave, and I loved the help with our ever-expanding laundry pile! He continues to thrive at his preschool and I keep falling more and more in love with the staff there. Shout-out to Ms. Beth & Ms. Lauren...you are my heroes! 

We are also VERY thankful to begin ABA therapy with Oliver next week. I (finally) found a provider in Wilmington who is going to help us implement this specific form of behavior management. Sadly, this is not covered by our insurance, but we feel like we have to try something to help him (and us!) Lord knows we are out of ideas (as are the folks at the preschool, the grandparents, the therapists, and the church staff). Hopefully, this will be our slam-dunk!?! ABA requires intense cooperation from everyone involved in Oliver's life, so you can say a prayer that we have the stamina to stick to it. The beautiful thing that this has given us is hope. Hope that we can indeed care for Oliver's many needs before he gets too big and we can no longer physically control him.

3 generations

Lastly, my apologies for my long blog hiatus. I have found that balancing full-time work, part-time case management for Oliver, and mother/wife duties a serious challenge. 

Considering that challenge, I am so happy to report that I am loving real estate. Honestly loving it. 

I am also excited to start the planning for our summer women's bible study at our church. Last year I hosted it in at my house (so fun!) but when we reached 40 women, my seemingly spacious living room suddenly felt like a sardine can. This year we're moving it to the church and will be working through the book "The Praying Life" by Paul Miller. It is hands down the best book I have ever read on prayer; so practical and relatable. 


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you Stephanie. Great picture of the three generations of beautiful women in your family!!
Just want you to know that we continue our daily prayers for you and yours.

Linda said...

So glad to have the update on Oliver. Praying for good results when you return in May and praying for a safe visit. Love to you all,
Linda and Ferguson

Anonymous said...

I found a link to your blog on Meg Hutchinson's website (I am from Norfolk and we are aquaintences)...anyway I am this far in reading through your story and was drawn to it because we, too, have a son (5 1/2 now) who has had seizures since 3 months old. It has been a very LONG road and we are waiting now on a referral to Cleveland Clinic for another opinion. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello - I should probably do some more work today but am looking forward to reading more about your journey...Rebecca rbenz1976@gmail.com