Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Morning at Mass General

Are y'all tired of us yet? We wouldn't blame you if you are!

Dr. Pastorneck came by yesterday afternoon and said we need another 24 hours to let the culture grow before we can be sure we know what kind of infection we are dealing with. “MRSA” has been floating around in conversations so we are hoping and praying that will not be the case. We have cancelled our airline tickets for today and at this point are waiting.

Being in Boston is always a treat. It is an incredible city- so pedestrian friendly. I got out yesterday afternoon for a walk and a Pumpkin Spice Latte, but they were SOLD OUT? What?!? It was good to get some fresh air and sunshine. Andrew slipped out to get us some food from a great Asisan Restaurant called “The King and I” for dinner. One of the perks of being in the heart of Boston is access to so many great restaurants.

In some ways being in the hospital is a wonderfully intense bonding time. As long as Oliver is relatively happy there are lots of tickles, laughs and cuddles. These are interrupted by the pokes from doctors and occasional flood of pee-pee that gets on mom and dad. Regardless, there is something sweet that happens when all you can do is hang out with your little family. So far this trip Andrew and I have had very little conflict. Once we got our heads around what was happening, we have been such a strong team. Maybe we are getting better at this, two years in?

We also got a surprise visit from a Boston area family with a child with Tuberous Sclerosis. I am not sure how we found each other, but Jody and her son Ryan have been a real inspiration to us. Jody brought Oliver a giant Elmo balloon which was a huge hit along with a doggie ball popper thing. She said Ryan likes to use the popper on the nurses and doctors :) She clearly knows what helps with these hospital stays, as she has been through a very similar ride with her 8 year old. Overall, she really encouraged us as we asked how Ryan had done through the years. He just got fully potty trained, so perhaps my goal of Oliver making it by 4 is just a tad unrealistic :( Better late than never! Andrew was able to go downstairs and meet Ryan and her husband. We didn't want Ryan to come to the room b/c Oliver is on “contact precautions” in the event MRSA is floating around in his body...

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